(CIS-intern) – Vom 20.-22. September werden anlässlich des Reeperbahn Festivals etwa 20 Bands der härteren Gangart in der Hamburger Markthalle auftreten, darunter Heaven Shall Burn, Doro, Saxon, Callejon und Kill Devil Hill.
Es finden Expertengespräche und Panels statt, bei denen Brancheninsider grundlegende Themen wie „Berufswunsch Musikbusiness“, „Die Zukunft des Metal“ und „Wie bringe ich meine Band nach vorne?“ diskutieren und ihr Wissen weitergeben. Fans können Künstler treffen, zudem gibt es Ausstellungen, Lesungen, Comedy-Shows und Musiker-Workshops.
Wir belassen den Rest mal als Originaltext:
The promoters of the Wacken Open Air and of the Reeperbahn Festival are proud to invite you to the first Hamburg Metal Dayz.
From September 20th to 22nd, about 20 bands from the heavier range of music will play at the Markthalle, among them Heaven Shall Burn, Doro, Saxon, Callejon and Kill Devil Hill. There will be panels and roundtable discussions, where music business insiders share their knowledge and discuss topics like “Career aspirations & working in the music business”, “The future of Metal” and “How to push your own band”. The fans can meet the artists, and therewill be exhibitions, readings, comedy and workshops for musicians.
Another point of interest for business visitors from the Metal genre will be the Reeperbahn Festival Campus with conference program, networking events and showcases. Accreditation is needed (see below). On Friday, 21nd a special conference panel titled “Fascination Metal: What’s working better in the world of heavy music?” will be held, dealing with the reasons for the economic strength of Metal and its commercial characteristics. At the “Metal meet & greet” happening afterwards at the Reeperbahn Festival Lounge, visitors and artists from the Hamburg Metal Dayz will have the opportunity for an exchange with the delegates
of the Reeperbahn festival.
This makes the first Hamburg Metal Dayz an entertaining and valuable forum for music fans, up-and-coming rockers and business veterans. An updated schedule
of bands and activities can be found at www.hamburg-metal-dayz.de.
Detlef Schwarte, Reeperbahn Festival:
“We’re happy to be finally able to offer a place for the Metal business to present itself at the Reeperbahn Festival, and we’re looking forward to the communication and cooperation with this economically strong, highly professional and especially innovative segment of the music business.”
Holger Huebner, Wacken Open Air:
“So far, Metal and Hard Rock did not have a real home at the Reeperbahn Festival. With the Hamburg Metal Dayz, this changes. We want to give great live shows to
the fans, we want to bring labels, promoters and agents together in an entertaining way, and we want to introduce the world of heavy music to the rest of
the industry.”
With this cooperation, two festivals are joining forces, that are both internationally renowned, but each with its own distictinve musical identity:
The Wacken Open Air is the most important event for the Metal scene worldwide. Established in 1990, every year more than 70.000 fans from all over the world are
traveling to that small village next to the North sea to experience Metal and Hard Rock live and open air.
As an urban club event, the Reeperbahn Festival has been attracting fans to the bars, clubs and theatres of Hamburg-St. Pauli since 2006. In addition to 20.000
visitors every year 2.000 representatives of the music and live entertainment business from 30 different nations gather at the most important industry meeting
in Germany.
Industry representatives can order their access authorization for the shows of Hamburg Metal Dayz at Markthalle plus a ticket for the Reeperbahn Festival
Campus at our website www.hamburg-metal-dayz.de (music program of Reeperbahn Festival not included). You can also get your ticket for Reeperbahn
Festival Campus, music program plus Hamburg Metal Dayz at
Hamburg Metal Dayz
presented by Wacken Open Air and Reeperbahn Festival
in cooperation with Hamburg Konzerte, Kingstar Music, Impericon, iM1, Wacken
Foundation und ICS Festival Service
20.-22. September 2012
Thu, Fri from 5pm, Sat from 3pm.
Info: www.hamburg-metal-dayz.de
präsentiert von Wacken Open Air und Reeperbahn Festival
in Kooperation mit Hamburg Konzerte, Kingstar Music, Impericon, iM1, Wacken Foundation und ICS Festival Service
Do-Fr ab 17 Uhr, Sa ab 15 Uhr.
Kingstar GmbH